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[request] users.config{list:true} output QOL
The output for users.config{list:true} is... awkward to deal with. Some data is only available in CLI mode (is_script:false), and some is just not awkward. `AMISSING DATA in subscript mode` * Available avatars * user and account ages (we just get the true/false; in CLI mode the ages themselves are also shown * available titles * available badges (i.e. that are turned off) `AAWKWARD DATA in CLI mode` * title list is space separated, but some titles contain spaces, making this hard to parse. Suggest comma-separating * as above, but for avatars and badges. No spaces in these... yet? but consistency Proposed output, then: CLI MODE `A>>``Fusers``A.``Lconfig``A{` `Nlist``A : ``Vtrue` `A}` `Navatar`: `V"grate"` available avatars: chaos, choice, data, form, fullblock, grate, kin, tengallon, void `Nuser_age`: `Vtrue` displaying user age of XX days `CXXXXXX.XXXX` `Naccount_age`: `Vtrue` displaying account age of XX days `CXXXXXX.XX` account age overrides user age `Nbio`: `V"blah"` `Ntitle`: `V"packbot manager"` available titles: angel, architect, bad magician, bot, duchess, duke, hero, highmark, ind, king, lady, lord, lowmark, madam, minion, minister, misc, monitor, mr, ms, mx, operator, oracle, packbot, packbot manager, party bus conductor, pattern, plotter, pr, process, prover, queen, robovac, sanctonaut, sir, skeleton, teacher, teapot, troll, user, villain, warchitect, warden `Npronouns`: `V"she/her"` `Ncorp`: `Vtrue` displaying user's corp membership `Nis_main`: `Vtrue` displaying that this is a main user `Nalt_of`: `V"dtr"` name of main user which this user is an alt of `Nbadges`: `lbeta` `Cbreak_badge_xxx` `A>>``Fusers``A.``Lconfig``A{` `Nlist``A : ``Vtrue` `A,` `Nis_script``A : ``Vtrue``A}` { `Navatar`: `V"grate"`, `Navailable_avatars`: `V[` "chaos", "choice", "data", "form", "fullblock", "grate", "kin", "tengallon", "void" ], `Nuser_age`: `Vtrue`, `Nuser_age_date`: `VJS_DATE`, `Naccount_age`: `Vtrue`, `Naccount_age_date`: `VJS_DATE`, `Nbio`: `V"blah"`, `Ntitle`: `V"packbot manager"`, `Navailable_titles`: `V[` "angel", "architect", "bad magician", "bot", "duchess", "duke", "hero", "highmark", "ind", "king", "lady", "lord", "lowmark", "madam", "minion", "minister", "misc", "monitor", "mr", "ms", "mx", "operator", "oracle", "packbot", "packbot manager", "party bus conductor", "pattern", "plotter", "pr", "process", "prover", "queen", "robovac", "sanctonaut", "sir", "skeleton", "teacher", "teapot", "troll", "user", "villain", "warchitect", "warden" ] `Npronouns`: `V"he/him"`, `Ncorp`: `Vtrue`, `Nis_main`: `Vtrue`, `Nalt_of`: `V"dtr"`, `Nbadges`: `V[` "beta" ] `Navailable_badges`: `V[` "beta", "break_badge_xxx" ] }
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