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                             ◢██◤   ◢██◤ ◢████████◤ ◢█████████◤      ◢███◤       

[Idea] Cooldown on leaving a channel after joining
A lot of people run cron bots to spam channels and join/chat/leave, which adds significantly to server overload (pointless join/leave sent individually to hundreds of users in 0000) and benefits the spammer (they get less spam because they are in 0000 less long). Also, scams sometimes join/post/leave. Suggestion: after joining a channel, have a 10s cooldown before you can leave it (and, also, after leaving, a 10s cooldown before you can rejoin); that way there's no way to use a cron (or scam) to join/post/leave, which will either disincentives the spam or at least force the spammers to deal with the spam themselves the same way everyone else does. Either outcome is fine by me.
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Yep! This will be addressed. Need cooldowns on a lot of things- definitely need that if exposing from the chatapi.
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