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Another API suggestion
So, I know that there have been a number of different requests for some sort of API method to interact with the game, rather than using OOG setups with AHK and the like. Well, I was considering that recently and reading #`V0000`, and I sort of came up with an idea of an upgrade to add the functionality to the game. So, basically, you'd have an upgrade (called something like `Apost_bot_v1``B/``Av2`), and you'd have to equip the upgrade onto a user. Each upgrade has a `Acooldown` stat and a `Acost` stat, similar to a `Acron_bot` upgrade. A user could send a POST request to something like api.hackmud.com, with a payload that looked like { `Nscript`: `V"jumpsplat120.public"``B,` `Nargs`: { `Naction`: `V"cool_scripts"` } } Where `Ascript` is the script to be run, and `Aargs` are the arguments passed to the script. There could be some mechanic where a value could be processed as script; maybe a specific object or a string prepended with #s or something else. But in any case, the script would run, the user would be charged based on the `Acost` stat, and then the user would be ratelimited based on the `Acooldown` stat. This would tie together in game and out of game gameplay, and it would add another GC sink, which gives another reason to gather more GC (gameloop be gameloopin'). Just a thought. The specifics could obviously be tweaked, but the broad idea (an upgrade for OOG stuff) is the main takeaway. Hit me up on Discord if you wanna chat about it :p
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