Chat API documentation. If you have any ideas for changes, contact me on Discord. (mogery#3420)
Credits to bool and Jake, the makers of the documentations that this post was made from!
`2=====` `FEndpoints` `2=====`
Every endpoint's host is "``". `FHTTPS is required.`
So for example, when I write "`FPOST` `2/mobile/get_token.json`", it means that you should send a `FPOST` request to "`2`".
The header `V"Content-Type: application/json"` is needed for every request.
A `Cruby timestamp` is float seconds since epoch (or a JS timestamp divided by 1000).
`2===` `Fget_token` `2===`
`FPOST` `2/mobile/get_token.json`
This converts your password (from chat_pass in hackmud) to a token. Tokens expire in 45 days, unless revoked with chat_revoke_tokens.
`N"pass"`:`V"``C<password from chat_pass>``V"`
`N"ok"`: `Vtrue`,
`N"chat_token"`: `V"``C<chat token>``V"`
`2===` `Faccount_data` `2===`
`FPOST` `2/mobile/account_data.json`
Returns users and their joined channels, along with other users in those channels.
`FRATELIMIT:` This endpoint can only be called once every 5 seconds.
`N"chat_token"`: `V"``C<chat token>``V"`
`N"ok"`: `Vtrue`,
`N"users"`: `1{`
`N"com"`: `1{`
`N"0000"`: `1[`
`N"town"`: `1[`
`N"com1killer"`: `1{}`
`2===` `Fchats` `2===`
`FPOST` `2/mobile/chats.json`
Gets received chat messages from the joined channels and tells of the specified users.
`FRATELIMIT:` This endpoint can only be called once every 700 ms, but it's recommended to poll every 2 seconds or slower.
`N"chat_token"`: `V"``C<chat token>``V"`,
`N"usernames"`: `1[``C<usernames>``1]`,
`N"before"`: `C<see ``lnote``C below, messages before this ruby timestamp>`,
`N"after"`: `C<see ``lnote``C below, messages after this ruby timestamp>`
`l// before *or* after must be specified when polling`
`l// also note that after and before are capped at 10 minutes(?). for example, if you specify 13:00 for after, then you’re only gonna get messages that were sent between 13:00 and 13:10.`
`N"ok"`: `Vtrue`,
`N"chats"`: `1{`
`N"``C<username>``N"`: `1[`
`N"id"`: `V"3598b8a024e394b691559a8c"`,
`N"t"`: `V1515984653.345`,
`N"from_user"`: `V"sans_comedy"`,
`N"msg"`: `V"user joined channel"`,
`N"is_join"`: `Vtrue`,
`N"channel"`: `V"0000"`
`N"id"`: `V"5a5c170f7b97fd4315e14842"`,
`N"t"`: `V1515984655.629`,
`N"from_user"`: `V"sans_comedy"`,
`N"msg"`: `V"its petra-fying"`,
`N"channel"`: `V"0000"`
`N"id"`: `V"8393b5e73a021ac084090aad"`,
`N"t"`: `V1515984657.234`,
`N"from_user"`: `V"sans_comedy"`,
`N"msg"`: `V"user left channel"`,
`N"is_leave"`: `Vtrue`,
`N"channel"`: `V"0000"`
`N"id"`: `V"8393b5e73a021ac084090aad"`,
`N"t"`: `V1515984660.132`,
`N"from_user"`: `V"com"`,
`N"msg"`: `V"psst, this is a tell"`
`N"``C<username>``N"`: `1[]`
`2===` `Fsend` `2===`
`FPOST` `2/mobile/create_chat.json`
Sends a message to a channel.
`N"chat_token"`: `V"``C<chat token>``V"`,
`N"username"`: `V"``C<sender username>``V"`,
`N"channel"`: `V"``C<channel name>``V"`,
`N"msg"`: `V"``C<message>``V"`
`N"ok"`: `Vtrue`
`2===` `Ftell` `2===`
`FPOST` `2/mobile/create_chat.json`
Sends a message to a user.
`N"chat_token"`: `V"``C<chat token>``V"`,
`N"username"`: `V"``C<sender username>``V"`,
`N"tell"`: `V"``C<target username>``V"`,
`N"msg"`: `V"``C<message>``V"`
`N"ok"`: `Vtrue`
`2===` `0chat_history` `2===`
Broken, see