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Discord Admins
Please chill out as a little. I tried helping other players in newbtips, explicitly warning players that some of those are PLAYERSCRIPTS, because switching back and forth from channels causes more chaos. Whenever I tried to help, my errors instead of explaining things further always ended in 'No youre completely wrong, dont confuse new players' type of thing. This isn't exactly a discord server where everyone spams d**k pictures. Today I left the Discord server, because while I know this IS NOT TRUE, I FELT CONSTANTLY SHUSHED FOR NO REASON. Today was just the final point when I gave up on Hackmuds discord. I love the game too much to leave it all. Among the admins that I felt pressured the most was ghamb and kaitlyn. And while I knew ghamb is just like that, today I've got warned about being PG-13 after making an really bad joke after an user made the claim he is using a blowdryer to warm himself up because it's freezing in his house. You know probably what I said. "Dude, that's not what they meant by telling you to go blow yourself" Yes, awful joke. Later the same user even mentioned "Hmm, wearing clothes helps with not freezing to death" And here, I snickered because I thought he was naked. But then he was defended by an admin and his own admission 'Oh, I had a night gown'. But.. how I was supposed to guess that? I personally.. nevermind. I'm actually having to dab into the details of how I live my own life to defend myself for having a different thought pattern. This is bad. Okay, lets get first things out of the way. This is almost universally officially recognized as PG13. Figures out, while they call it like that its not the ACTUAL PG13 ruleset for movies, media. Please, go look up and check the rulesets of PG13. They claimed that as a figure of speech, something that no one should have any doubts about. But how should I know? I do not live in the USA. And this is obvious by my manner of writing/speech as well as info on my person which I gave out many many times. And yes, the actual PG-13 rules are actually more frivolous than what is respected. I first thought it's being overzealous by the moderators. But now. I just feel that I should go away from there. Oh, and no, I'm not trying to play the hurt guy here. That joke was really bad. But I also can't constantly feel like I can't talk freely. So yeah, I'm leaving discord. And this isn't supposed to be a roast either. Just my perspective and maybe just a little wake up call. -Krzysztof Rozenberger, Leming (The one who follows blindly...)
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You do realize Kaitlyn isn't a discord admin, right?
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Yo wotup. Sorry to hear you left the server. With that out of the way, as was told you to at the time regarding #n00b_tips ingame. The channel is not meant to be used a lie detector and you are not supposed to mention player scripts in there period. I see you saying "ghamb is just like that" but that's not really the case man. Every time you've possibly done something wrong you tend to back yourself into a corner and react somewhat similar to this. Instead of going over past issues, let's just hit up today. "keep this SAFE FOR WORK (PG-13)" This is what you hit on. In no way is talking about "blowing yourself" SFW. Sure in hindsight you can say you meant whatever by it but Kaitlyn's repsonse was more than reasonable. You weren't punished and all that happened was the message was removed. You tried to say you meant "blowing up yourself", unfortunately "up" would have been key to understanding that meaning. Instead of just moving on, you decided to fluster not only yourself but a few members of the community while you went on a rant declaring that innuendos aren't non-pg and while I understand your sentiment there completely... It's just not sfw. Sexual acts, joking or not, or even discussed in a roundabout manner are simply not allowed. You say you aren't trying to play the hurt guy but you are. I hope this does serve as a wake up call, leming.
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@ghamb : PG-13 is certainly not Safe for Work. It literally means Parental Guidance. It's guidelines are something you wouldn't want in a completely Safe For Work environment. If it's supposed to be completely Safe for Work, no innuendos would make sense. But then just please call it Safe for Work, or else you're insistent it's a 'common phraseologism'. Safe For Work and PG-13 are completely different terms. I understand they are misused. I'm not playing hurt. I'm just fed up and voicing a legitimate concern about assumption. And if anything telling anyone to 'go blow' isn't even used as a sexual innunedo. You decided to treat this way. What it could mean is blowing up, Or just actually buzzing off. That's that 'figure of speech' defense you decided to use about PG-13. @dtr : Kaitlyn has a green name on Discord server, I assumed that meant a moderator status. Because it certainly feels that way. And I think the rules like you have now make sense unless you were under a constant legal threat. Because it certainly feels that way. This no longer concerns the mud, I think we can agree on that. Lead your discord however your want, it's just clear it's too serious of a place for me. I mean it is ultimately a private Discord server which just actively encourages the players to join ingame. Everyone is allowed to do that. Discord handle, if you want to treat me seriously instead of just stating you're right, and at least tell me how you based your opinions : Leming#1700 There's no way I'm arguing with 3 people at once, like I shouldn't argue with matr1x which isn't even an admin. Again, mudders, sorry for this. I understand completely if this thread gets deleted. It's just not anyhow revelant to the game.
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Why would the thread be deleted. This does involve the mud in a round about way and there is no strict on-topic rules here, man. `c" PG-13 is certainly not Safe for Work. It literally means Parental Guidance. It's guidelines are something you wouldn't want in a completely Safe For Work environment."` -- I quoted the rule when I said `c"keep this SAFE FOR WORK (PG-13)"`. While it does mention pg-13, it does also say "SAFE FOR WORK" (case quoted, not me). https://imgur.com/a/4Mkboko I've uploaded a screen cap of the rule and the last time it was editted. You are voicing a concern legitimately but also trying to bring up the complaint where you'd get the least amount of response from anyone involved. Why would you even mention me in this? I was asleep the whole time. `c" And if anything telling anyone to 'go blow' isn't even used as a sexual innunedo. You decided to treat this way. What it could mean is blowing up, Or just actually buzzing off. That's that 'figure of speech' defense you decided to use about PG-13. "` -- I'd like to reiterate that I, personally, had nothing to do with this. You also did not say `c"go blow"`, you said `c"Thats not what they ment by blowing yourself,bruh"`(sic). Once again, in Kaitlyn's defense, this is a very normal way to refer to a sexual act, which is auto-fellatio. If you google the term "blowing yourself" quite a few results regarding sex and sexual acts will come up first. They had a more than reasonable response to what was said. Once again, you were not punished. The message was simply removed. I'm only here to try and explain what happened. I am attempting to treat this seriously. I would have dm'd you on discord but I apparently cannot due to `c"Your message could not be delivered because you don't share a server with the recipient or you disabled direct messages on your shared server, recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends, or you were blocked by the recipient."` Also, while you are right it is an unofficial discord, we only call it that due to Sean not wanting to have to deal with issues like these. It's about as official as can get, dev endorsed. To any future readers, don't be afraid to bring up comments or suggestions to the admins. I have been for and am open to reapproaching or rewording any of our rule sets.
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I'll fix it right now, it's an error on my part. But I'm not aware of not being able to be DMed to. You're not blocked in any way. And see this is like talking... to wrong person. I'm talking to the wrong person.You were mentioned briefly enough as a comparison why at least you had a point. And yes, I literally did talk on the discord voicing concern to other users about over-reacting. Fine, be dev-endorsed. But at the same time by holding onto proving that my figure of speech if worse than your figure of speech. And yes ghamb. You weren't there. And if I wanted to help someone in n00b_tips I had to DM them instead of trying to do it on the channel. And okay @ghamb. Please reword your rules. Also I incorrectly used the Streisand effect metaphore. I wanted to say that in fact if you choose to be so strict with just language, things as ridiculous as this will start coming out. Like in a very silly action movie about a potential utopia future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dz4HEEiJuGo EDIT: I double checked, yeah. I didn't think this through, Discord doesn't allow people who aren't friends or don't have a common server to DM.
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