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List of Player-made Games
The following is a list of player-made games within hackmud. If a game is missing, the list has otherwise changed, feel free to `Fchats`.`Ltell` `Bwarden` ingame or contact `C@``FSprocket``C#0871` on discord. Thanks to `C@``Xkaitlyn` for various corrections >_> `Cdevice`.`Lfactory` - by `C@``pdevice` A simple incremental game with pvp elements. `Cdtr`.`Lhaunty_mall` - by `C@``pdtr` Guess which door holds a bag of `CGC` to be rewarded each day. Switch things up with various colorful ascii themes. Also available through `Chaunty`.`Lmall`, a third-party wrapper. `Cdtr`.`Ltwo_thirds` - by `C@``pdtr` Guess a number between 0-100. If your guess is 2/3 the average of all previous guesses, win `CGC`. `Ch0bot`.`Lyahtzee` - `C@``pkb` and `C@``psievers` `DWarning:` at the time of posting the host user is at 95 days inactive, and may soon disappear. Yahtzee, in hackmud, with a leaderboard. `Cir`.`Lcti` - by `C@``palice` A script for collaborative games, currently home to a multiplayer version of the vLAN firewall. `Cmine`.`Lsweeper` - by `C@``pJaytleBee``C#3056` minesweeper, in hackmud. customize board size & number of mines generated to control difficulty. `Ctetris`.`Lpro` - by `C@``pdevice` Tetris, in hackmud. Compete against others for the high score at various difficulty levels, with the cost to play going up as difficulty increases. Once a day, 90% of all GC paid to the script goes to the #1 ranked player. `Cunicorn`.`Lcosmos` - by `C@``punicorn` Command your own space fleet. Still in the early stages of development, but nevertheless playable. `Czac`.`Lcasino` - `C@``pzez` A casino script run by @zez. A coin flip game and blackjack are currently open, with slots and poker also listed, but not yet available. `Czac`.`Lrpg` - `C@``pzez` mmo-rpg game, similar to Runescape. Early-access, but still playable, and with a growing set of features. `Czac`.`Luno` - `C@``pzez` uno, in hackmud. play against a bot, or any number of other players. `Czmachine`.`Lplay` - `C@``psym` zmachine implementation in hackmud. play various text-adventure games.
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