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NFO Reference
NFOs are a standardized format for documenting a user's scripts, as well as their usage and arguments. They are hosted under a user's "nfo" script (i.e. on @kaitlyn, I would upload `Ckaitlyn`.`Lnfo`). The information is public, and designed to be easily accessible for other scripts. "the main idea of a standard is other scripts can tie into it; i.e. i'll have ls pull brief usage out to make ls listings more useful, kait will make a fuller man page viewer, etc" - @dtr The format looks like this: { `Nversion`: `V"1.0.0"`, `l// semver, incase we decide on any major structure changes` `Nscripts`: `V{` `Nscriptname`: `V{` `l// scriptname isn't literal, for example if this was for` `Ckaitlyn``l.``Lprofiles``l, i would call this profiles` `Nusage`: `V"{to: \"user\", msg: \"msg\" }"`, `l// usage example, as seen in scripts like` `Fsys``l.``Lmanage``l, generally your "default args"` `Ndesc`: `V"a description of the purpose of the script, and maybe general use cases"`, `l// we typically try to use "modes" to categorize arguments, if this applies to your script then they are used like this:` `Nmodes`: `V[` { `Nname`: `V"mode1"`, `Nargs`: `V[` {`Nname`:`V"arg1"`,`Ntype`:`V"expected typeof, i.e. string, truthy, object/boolean"`,`Noptional`:`Vfalse`,`Ndesc`:`V"description of argument"`} ], `Ndesc`: `V"description of mode"`, `Nreturns`: `V"description of what data to expect in return, i.e. \"object if is_script, otherwise string\""` } ], `l// if you don't think your script has "modes" that it can be categorized into, then just use args and returns on the top level, like this:` `Nargs`: `V[` {`Nname`:`V"arg1"`, `Ntype`:`V"expected typeof, i.e. string, truthy, object/boolean"`, `Noptional`:`Vtrue`, `Ndesc`:`V"description of argument"`} ], `Nreturns`: `V"ok object"`, `Nsubscript`: `Vtrue`, `l// can your script be subscripted?` `Nscriptor`: `Vfalse`, `l// can your script be used as a scriptor?` `Ncli`: `Vfalse` `l// can your script be used on the cli?` } } } As a practical demonstration, here is the source of `Ckaitlyn`.`Lnfo`: `Yfunction`() { `Yreturn` { `Nversion`: `V"1.0.0"`, `Nscripts`: `V{` `Nidenticon`: `V{` `Nusage`: `V"{ info: true }"`, `Ndesc`: `V"hackmud implementation of http:/\/identicon.net/"`, `Nargs`: `V[` {`Nname`:`V"bg"`, `Ntype`:`V"string"`,`Noptional`:`Vtrue`,`Ndesc`:`V"color code for \"background\" pixels, default is z"`}, {`Nname`:`V"box"`, `Ntype`:`V"truthy"`,`Noptional`:`Vtrue`,`Ndesc`:`V"draws a box around generated identicon"`}, {`Nname`:`V"boxc"`,`Ntype`:`V"string"`,`Noptional`:`Vtrue`,`Ndesc`:`V"sets color of box if box is true"`}, {`Nname`:`V"chat"`,`Ntype`:`V"truthy"`,`Noptional`:`Vtrue`,`Ndesc`:`V"sends identicon to specified channel"`}, {`Nname`:`V"fg"`, `Ntype`:`V"string"`,`Noptional`:`Vtrue`,`Ndesc`:`V"color code for \"foreground\" pixels, default is determined by username"`}, {`Nname`:`V"s"`, `Ntype`:`V"string"`,`Noptional`:`Vtrue`,`Ndesc`:`V"string to be hashed for identicon generation. default is caller's username"`} ], `Nreturns`: `V"string"`, `Nsubscript`: `Vtrue`, `Nscriptor`: `Vtrue`, `Ncli`: `Vtrue` }, `Nmark`: `V{` `Nusage`: `Vnull`, `Ndesc`: `V"marks caller"`, `Nargs`: [], `Nreturns`: `V"string"`, `Nsubscript`: `Vtrue`, `Nscriptor`: `Vtrue`, `Ncli`: `Vtrue` }, `Nparse_specs`: `V{` `Nusage`: `Vnull`, `Ndesc`: `V"script-friendly sys.specs output. uses #hs.sys.specs\() if no args, otherwise uses args (whole thing) as specs"`, `Nargs`: `V"sys.specs string"`, `Nreturns`: `V"object"`, `Nsubscript`: `Vtrue`, `Nscriptor`: `Vtrue`, `Ncli`: `Vtrue` }, `Nprofiles`: `V{` `Nusage`: `V"{ view: \"user\" }"`, `Ndesc`: `V"public users.inspect profile database"`, `Nmodes`: `V[` { `Nargs`: `V[` {`Nname`:`V"changelog"`,`Ntype`:`V"truthy"`,`Noptional`:`Vtrue`,`Ndesc`:`V"displays script changelog history"`} ], `Ndesc`: `V"defaults"`, `Nreturns`: `V"string"` }, { `Nname`: `V"add"`, `Nargs`: `V[` {`Nname`:`V"add"`,`Ntype`:`V"string"`,`Noptional`:`Vfalse`,`Ndesc`:`V"user whose profile to add to the database"`}, {`Nname`:`V"s"`,`Ntype`:`V"scriptor"`,`Noptional`:`Vfalse`,`Ndesc`:`V"users.inspect scriptor, to view user's profile. can be circumvented with kaitlyn.highsec_profiles"`} ], `Ndesc`: `V"when both add and s are passed, and a channel (or hardline connection) is shared with user specified in add, adds user to the database."`, `Nreturns`: `V"database object if is_script, otherwise string"` }, { `Nname`: `V"view"`, `Nargs`: `V[` {`Nname`:`V"name"`,`Ntype`:`V"string"`,`Noptional`:`Vfalse`,`Ndesc`:`V"user whose profile to view"`,`Naliases`:`V[`"view"]}, ], `Ndesc`: `V"displays profile of specified user."`, `Nreturns`: `V"database object if is_script, otherwise string"` }, { `Nname`: `V"list"`, `Nargs`: `V[` {`Nname`:`V"list"`,`Ntype`:`V"truthy/number"`,`Noptional`:`Vfalse`,`Ndesc`:`V"activates list mode. if number, takes the place of page"`}, {`Nname`:`V"page"`,`Ntype`:`V"number"`,`Noptional`:`Vtrue`,`Ndesc`:`V"page of list to view."`} ], `Ndesc`: `V"displays a paginated list of (unhidden) profiles, or an unpaginated list if page is \"all\"."`, `Nreturns`: `V"string"` }, { `Nname`: `V"search"`, `Nargs`: `V[` {`Nname`:`V"search"`,`Ntype`:`V"object"`,`Noptional`:`Vfalse`,`Ndesc`:`V"mongodb-style query object"`} ], `Ndesc`: `V"searches full database, including hidden profiles, using provided query. please play nice"`, `Nreturns`: `V"string"` }, { `Nname`: `V"data"`, `Nargs`: `V[` {`Nname`:`V"data"`,`Ntype`:`V"string"`,`Noptional`:`Vfalse`,`Ndesc`:`V"which dataset to view. currently supports avatars, badges, or titles"`} ], `Ndesc`: `V"returns various datasets"`, `Nreturns`: `V"object if is_script, otherwise string"` } ], `Nsubscript`: `Vtrue`, `Nscriptor`: `Vtrue`, `Ncli`: `Vtrue` }, `Ntop_users`: `V{` `Nusage`: `Vnull`, `Ndesc`: `V"pretty users.top output, using data from kaitlyn.profiles for avatar and corp"`, `Nargs`: `V[`], `Nreturns`: `V"object if is_script, otherwise string"`, `Nsubscript`: `Vtrue`, `Nscriptor`: `Vtrue`, `Ncli`: `Vtrue` }, `Nuseful_forum_posts`: `V{` `Nusage`: `Vnull`, `Ndesc`: `V"list of useful guides or references from the forums"`, `Nargs`: `V[`], `Nreturns`: `V"string"`, `Nsubscript`: `Vtrue`, `Nscriptor`: `Vtrue`, `Ncli`: `Vtrue` } } } }
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