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`LThe Spirit of the Rules` `C- Inclusivity -` Any player should be able to play the game or be able to learn how to play the game at the highest level, without discrimination. `C- Defining the game boundary -` Players should know which activities are considered 'part of the game' (theft, defamation, etc) and which activities are outside of the scope of the game (client modification, weaponizing the rules, etc) `C- Clarity and Efficiency -` Players should have a clear understanding of the rules. The ComCODE team should be able to resolve issues quickly allowing us to focus on our mission. `LHow to Report Issues` https://hackmud.com/forums/general_discussion/how_to_report_issues The following rules are 'guidelines' -- Rules will change regularly to adapt to player behavior -- They are not a guarantee you will not be banned -- Email conduct@hackmud.com or sandbox@hackmud.com for clarification and/or to report violations. `LDiscrimination & Discriminatory Language` Discrimination and discriminatory language are not tolerated. Please educate yourself on this topic so that you continue to have access to the game. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrimination https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/discriminatory-language `LAbusive Language and Behavior` Death threats and threatening physical bodily harm are not permitted. References to sexual abuse, including but not limited to non-consensual sex, statutory rape, and luring children are not permitted. `LReporting Exploits` Taking advantage of exploits is grounds for a ban. Not reporting exploits is grounds for a ban. `LDistracting the Team` ComCODE has an incredibly large amount of work to do. In order to successfully manage and create this game, we have to prioritize features & bugs and manage our time very carefully. Occasionally players will accidentally or purposefully do things in game or out of game that creates a situation where we have to do work that doesn't benefit the community or the game. These situations can sometimes be hard to predict, but generally if it was an accident and you aren't a jerk in your correspondence, then it is resolved quickly. Short bans are sometimes used as warnings, or to defuse a situation. Contact us through support@hackmud.com or discord to clarify. `DRepeated instances of this kind are judged harshly.` `LClient Automation` Automation on top of the existing game client is currently permitted. Adding files to the directory hierarchy of the game is currently permitted. Modifying any existing files is not permitted. Modifying the game client in any way is not permitted, this includes memory modification, code injection, client file modification, etc, and is considered a 'custom client.' Viewing game client memory is currently permitted. --- ComCODE highly recommends not running other player's scripts or mods on your own machine. Unless you can fully understand the scope of the code that you are running, this is very unsafe. If you can safely read and run others' code, then you can probably write it yourself, which is much safer. `LCustom Clients` Custom clients are not permitted at this time. This will very likely change in the future. Any detected custom client activity will result in bans. Modifying the game client in any way is not permitted, this includes memory modification, code injection, client file modification, etc, and is considered a 'custom client.' Viewing game client memory and files is currently permitted. `LIn-game Scripting Environment` We strongly encourage players to help us secure the boundaries of the games' scripting engine and sandbox. Its security improves the game for everyone. Players that discover ways to eval code, or to call protected database methods or otherwise circumvent or exploit cracks in the wall and report them will be rewarded in game. Exploiting found sandbox exploits creates more work for us and is not permitted. These cases will be judged very harshly. Please help us make this game, not hinder us from making it. `LInvalidating scripts.trust Scripts` Any exploits that invalidate the trustedness or the security of trust scripts is a sandbox break and are not permitted. Some examples of not permitted trust script exploits: `C - using accts.xfer_gc_to to duplicate GC` `C - having a script appear FULLSEC but calling a lower security level subscript such as sys.loc` `LIn Transit or MITM Network Modification` Modifying or reading network traffic in transit between the server and the client is considered within 'custom client' and is currently not permitted. `LWeaponized Client Crashes / Bugs` Weaponized client crashes -- player-written script code which exploits the client code to crash other players, or prevent them from playing is not permitted. The game will provide client crashing code in NULLSEC in the future, for inclusion in your scripts. At this time, this is not the case. `LWeaponizing the Rules` Weaponizing the rules -- using the rules as a personal tool for benefit, to discredit another, or generally cause conflict and strife is not permitted. Any violations of the rules should be reported through the proper channels so that appropriate action can be taken. Players are of course encouraged to defame and discredit each other, but must do so without weaponizing the rules. `LHelp! I've Been BANNED?` Don't panic! If you don't know why this happened, then it's probably something that can be discussed. Please contact us through support@hackmud.com, conduct@hackmud.com or by opening a conduct or support ticket on discord with a nice message asking why. If you do know what happened, but you didn't mean to do it, contact us nicely asking for help with the ban. If you know what happened and you disagree with the reason for your ban, contact us to discuss it. If you know what happened and you did it intentionally, please go and play another game, but let us know first so we can ban you permanently. Speedy, courteous correspondence is received well. Repeated instances are judged harshly. When exploring things on the edge of the rules and are in doubt, please contact us before acting on the exploration.
locked by seanmakesgames
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