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Upgrade Reference
(WIP - posted early) Upgrades, as you may know, are items held on a user that serve various purposes. You're able to acquire upgrades from breaching NPCs, purchasing them on the market, or receiving them from other users after you've init your sys to at least tier 1. The amount of upgrades you can hold and load on a user depends on that user's tier. Here is a basic chart with that information: tier | `00` | `11` | `22` | `33` | `44` | held | `c-` | 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | loaded | `c-` | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | You can see both your used and total upgrade capacity in `Fsys`.`Lspecs` (indicated by the red box): `A>>``Fsys``A.``Lspecs` // / \\_ _|/ ||\ || | =█◣██◢█ || | || | ((-- --- || | `Cuser` (`Nweaver`) `Ntier`: `V2` `Nhardline_count`: `V24` `Nnext_hardline`: `V1451s` `Carchitect`(`V3`) `Cjunkrack`(`V0`) `Cinfiltrator`(`V0`) `Cscavenger`(`V0`) `Cexecutive`(`V0`) `Nchannel_count`: `V5` `Ngc_max`: `B5``JB``CGC` `D┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓` `D┃` `Cupgrade space` `D┃` `D┃` `Nslots`: `V1`/64 `D┃` `D┃` `Nloaded`: `V1`/16 `D┃` `D┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛` `Cscript space` `Npublics`: `V0` `Nslots`: `V2` `Nchars`: `V500` There are several different types of upgrades. The type of an upgrade does nothing but provide the user a general idea of what it does, though it does correlate with its corresponding class. Following is a list of the different upgrade types. (format) `Ltype` (`Nclass type`) description `Lbot_brain` (`Narchitect`) Upgrades that involve the automation of running scripts on a user while the player is absent, either by being active on a different user or being offline entirely. `Lchat` (`Nexecutive`) Upgrades that involve chats. Currently only exists in the form of a channel capacity increase. `Lglam` (`nn/a`) Upgrades that serve as trophies of sorts. Generally rewarded for participating in, completing, or creating events. `Llock` (`V"none"` (`Nturtle`)) Upgrades that defend one's system from breach attempts. These are the same as the locks you would see on an NPC. `Lscript` (`Ninfiltrator`/`Nscavenger`) Upgrades that grant access to various PvP scripts. Available PvP scripts are visible via `Fscripts`.`Lsys`. `Lscript_space` (`Narchitect`) Upgrades that increase one's capacity for writing scripts in some way (generally character count, script slots, and public script slots). In addition to giving you a general idea of what an upgrade is for, an upgrade's class will influence the class in your `Fsys`.`Lspecs`. You can see your class and its icon (in red) and the "points" in each class (in blue) in the following places: `A>>``Fsys``A.``Lspecs` `D┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓` `D┃` // / \\_ _|/ ||\ `D┃` `D┃` || | =█◣██◢█ || | `D┃` `D┃` || | ((-- --- || | `D┃` `D┗━┳━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━┛` `Cuser``D┃`(`Nweaver`)`D┃` `D┗━━━━━━━━┛` `Ntier`: `V2` `Nhardline_count`: `V24` `Nnext_hardline`: `V1451s` `R┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓` `R┃` `Carchitect`(`V3`) `Cjunkrack`(`V0`) `Cinfiltrator`(`V0`) `Cscavenger`(`V0`) `Cexecutive`(`V0`) `R┃` `R┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛` `Nchannel_count`: `V5` `Ngc_max`: `B5``JB``CGC` `Cupgrade space` `Nslots`: `V1`/64 `Nloaded`: `V1`/16 `Cscript space` `Npublics`: `V0` `Nslots`: `V2` `Nchars`: `V500` Most upgrades will also have a variety of different rarities they can exist in. An upgrade's rarity determines its color and correlates with better stats - a `0char_count_v1` will probably have fewer characters than a `2char_count_v1`. The rarities are as follows: 0 `0noob` 1 `1kiddie` 2 `2h4x0r` (t1 max) 3 `3h4rdc0r3` (t2 max) 4 `4|_|b3|2` (t3 max) 5 `531337` (t4 max)
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this is really good work
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