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`B[Black screen. Slowly, a bright glowing light emerges, camera focuses on CRT monitor which flickers cryptic text across the screen]` `TIn a world plagued with locks, logs and security shells, one adversary has risen to the top…` `T...hoarding stolen wealth and ruling ``Fcorps``A.``Ltop``T with unrivaled domination.` `B[Zoom out to a dark basement filled with cables, lit only by the pale-blue glow of monitors]` `TBut every system has its vulnerability. Every king has their reckoning.` `B[a splayed hand pulls tight a fresh leather fingerless glove]` `TA team of misfits. Coders. Risk-takers — ``DHACKERS` `TA plan so crazy, it just might work.` `S“You’re crazy if you think this is gonna work.”` `TBut stealing from the biggest, baddest PvP villain in hackmud history…` `S“One wrong loc and we’re toast.”` `T...means painting a target on your loc.` `B[A furious frenzy of fingers typing, a server, a city, close shot on sunglasses. Hoodie up.]` `S“I'm in.”` `B[Cut to second hoodied figure.]` `S“Wait! What’s the plan if we get caught?"` `TCan they outsmart the ultimate adversary… or will they crash and burn?` `TThe stakes are real. The rewards are massive. And the legend is waiting to be written – by you.` `TAssemble your crew, begin your reconnaissance, arm yourselves and take over ``Fcorps``A.``Ltop``T.` `TComing Soon to a keyboard-compatible personal computer near you:` `D~~= t h e t a k e =~~` `TIt’s not about the code, it’s about the ``DCHAOS`
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