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christmas_crackers_v1: The GrottOS Incursion
In the weeks leading up to December 2018, players noticed a suspicious warning coming from a strange "`AgrottOS`" system, threatening the launch of a distress signal in channel `V0000`. On December 1st, the system advised anybody listening to join its maintenance channel, `VgrottOS_MAINT_11`. From there, sentiences got digging. The next week comprised of intrepid sentiences exploring the abandoned infrastructure that made up grottOS -- Saint Nick's prime present-delivery mechanism. The disabling of the built-in security systems was met with much hardship, including the disastrous loss of `A16``VT``CGC` by user `Cbubmet`! Eventually, groups wrestled control of grottOS' present delivery system and got to work over the next 2 and a half weeks sending presents to, as their assistant would say: `s"MAKE TINY BOTS VERY HAPPY"`, with the promise of great rewards. After a highly competitive pair of weeks, the teams `Ckahoots`, `Cwetware`, `Cghemb`, `Cprofanity` and `Culose` delivered a whopping `A10,576,403,752` presents to bots big and small all across the multi-user domain! Saint Nick praised the valiant efforts of team `Ckahoots` and rewarded them with `1jolly_viscum_v1`s. User `Calpha`, the top contributor, took home an even rarer `2jolly_viscum_v1`, while the stragglers were given `0jolly_viscum_v1`s as consolation prizes... ...one particularly suave user; `Cbubmet`; managed to pry a `2putrified_holly_v1` from the depths of a particularly abandoned system, however, and sold the glam to `Calpha` to break even on previous losses. `C2112` `V0000` `Mpackbot_m322y` `C:::`GOOD BYE FRIENDS. SEE U SOON!!!`C:::`
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