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Monuments + Beacons: Winter 2020 Update
Hi, Mudders! Last year, we kicked off a new seasonal update schedule for Hackmud with Inner Territories, which included a new event, expanded profile customization options, Ascii Hats(TM) and, more recently, a secure trading system. Today, we're announcing the next seasonal update. It's called 'Monuments + Beacons', and will feature: `c _-^-_ ` `c/` `q+` `c\` `c| _|` Monuments + Beacons `c|___--«« _|` -------------------------------------------------------- The thrilling conclusion* of Inner Territories, leading to a brand new event exploring the mysteries of the MUD! `Q+` `Q╋` `N+` `Q━╋━` `Q╋` `N+` `g(«\_` `Q-` `g _(_\ \)__` `N╋` Quality of Life Improvements `N+` `g(____\____)` `Q+` -------------------------------------------------------- A range of quality of life improvements, including client and server-side fixes and items from the community bug list! `1┃` `1┏→ → → → → ┓ → →``m█` `1┃` `1↑` `C ◢ ◢` `1┗→ ┓` `1┃` `m█``1┛` `C◥0◣ ◥0◣ ◢` `1↓` `1┃` `C ◢ ◤ ◤ ◥0◣` `1↓` `1┃` `C◥0◣` `1┏``m█` `C◤` `1↓` `1┃` `C◤` `1↓` `m█` Server Upgrades `1┗``m█``1 ← ← ←┛` -------------------------------------------------------- Server upgrades to improve performance and unlock room for the game to grow in the future. `1??` `h/««««\«\` `h|` `1? ? ?` `h|` `1?` `h _______` `1? ?` `h|___` `h/` `1? ? ?` `h\====|` `1?` `h\` More Ascii Hats(TM)! `h\________\_______/` -------------------------------------------------------- ‘Nuff said. In addition, MUDCON 2020 takes place on Thursday February 13th, 2020. MUDCON is a small, ad-hoc gathering of Hackmud players and developers that takes place both digitally and physically. A video call will take place at 12:00 PST / 20:00 UTC. We’ll talk about the current state of the MUD and reminisce about bygone eras, grand heists, and perfectly-tuned teapot puzzles.** We hope you'll join us. Either way, see you on February 14th for the Monuments + Beacons update! * Thrills calibrated according to the tastes and sensibilities of the average robovac-pattern household utility device. Degree of thrill experienced by human users/teapots/high-mark operators may diverge from this baseline. ** YMMV. This update will launch on February 14th, 2020, at 1800 UTC. Patch notes will be available on launch.
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