◢███◤      ◢██◤                            ◢██◤                            
     ◢██◤       ◢██◤                            ◢██◤                             
    ◢██◤       ◢██◤                            ◢██◤                              
   ◢██◤       ◢██◤                            ◢██◤                               
  ◢██◤       ◢██◤                            ◢██◤                                
◢███◤       ◢██◤                            ◢██◤                          ◥██◣   
◥███       ◢█████◣    ◢████████◤ ◢███████◤ ◢██◤ ◢██◤                 ◢██◤   ██◣  
 ███      ◢███████◣        ◢██◤ ◢██◤ ◢██◤ ◢███████◤                 ◢██◤    ███  
 ███     ◢██◤  ◢██◤ ◢████████◤ ◢██◤      ◢█████◣                   ◢██◤     ███  
 ███    ◢██◤  ◢██◤ ◢██◤  ███◤ ◢██◤ ◢██◤ ◢██◤◥███◣                 ◢██◤      ███  
 ◥██   ◢██◤  ◢██◤ ◢████████◤ ◢███████◤ ◢██◤  ◥███◣               ◢██◤       ███◣ 
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                                ◢█████████◤ ◢██◤  ◢██◤ ◢██◤  ████◤       ◢██◤    
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                             ◢██◤   ◢██◤ ◢████████◤ ◢█████████◤      ◢███◤       

1.4.4 patch notes
-Chat api added --https://www.hackmud.com/mobile/<endpoint>.json --use 'chat_pass' to get a one-time password in game-client endpoint; input; output get_token; {"pass":"#chat_pass password"}; {"chat_token":"token"} account_data; {"chat_token":"token"}; {"ok":true,"users":{"user1":{"channel1":["channel member 1","channel member 2",...],"channel2":[....],...}, "user2":{"channel1":[...],"channel2":[...],...},...}} chats; {"chat_token":"token","usernames":["username1","username2",...],"before":optional,"after":optional}; {"ok":true,"chats":{"username1":[{"id":id,"t":time,"channel":channel,"from_user":fromuser,"to_user":to_user,"msg":msg,"is_join":true,"is_leave":true},...], "username2":[...]},"invalidUsernames":["i","maybe","forgot","key"]} chat_history; {"chat_token":"token","username":"username1","channel":"channel1", "before":seconds_with_frac,"after":seconds_with_frac}; {"ok":true,"chats":[{"id":id,"t":time,"channel":channel,"from_user":fromuser,"to_user":to_user,"msg":msg,"is_join":true,"is_leave":true},...]} create_chat; {"chat_token":"token","username":"from","channel":"channel" OR "tell":"user","msg":msg}; {"ok":true} --js client api code: https://github.com/DrizzlyBear/hackmud_chat_web/blob/master/js/chat.js --cURL command example (windows or linux quoting): curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"pass\":\"abcde\"}" https://www.hackmud.com/mobile/get_token.json --chat tokens expire after 45 days --use 'chat_revoke_tokens' in game-client to revoke all tokens -web chat client https://www.hackmud.com/chat --file issues and contribute fixes: https://github.com/DrizzlyBear/hackmud_chat_web --'works' on mobile, too -darken 0-rarity (noob) color -speed up client poll rates -scripts.ensure_Xsec now available to explicitly set security ratings -stability fixes -users.top update rate now equiv to corps.top -hardline is now required for sys.* pvp scripts -xfer_gc_from upgrades now have amount caps -other balance changes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -