◢███◤      ◢██◤                            ◢██◤                            
     ◢██◤       ◢██◤                            ◢██◤                             
    ◢██◤       ◢██◤                            ◢██◤                              
   ◢██◤       ◢██◤                            ◢██◤                               
  ◢██◤       ◢██◤                            ◢██◤                                
◢███◤       ◢██◤                            ◢██◤                          ◥██◣   
◥███       ◢█████◣    ◢████████◤ ◢███████◤ ◢██◤ ◢██◤                 ◢██◤   ██◣  
 ███      ◢███████◣        ◢██◤ ◢██◤ ◢██◤ ◢███████◤                 ◢██◤    ███  
 ███     ◢██◤  ◢██◤ ◢████████◤ ◢██◤      ◢█████◣                   ◢██◤     ███  
 ███    ◢██◤  ◢██◤ ◢██◤  ███◤ ◢██◤ ◢██◤ ◢██◤◥███◣                 ◢██◤      ███  
 ◥██   ◢██◤  ◢██◤ ◢████████◤ ◢███████◤ ◢██◤  ◥███◣               ◢██◤       ███◣ 
  ◥██◣                                                          ◢██◤       ◢███◤ 
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                                ◢█████████◤ ◢██◤  ◢██◤ ◢██◤  ████◤       ◢██◤    
                               ◢██◤◢█◤◢██◤ ◢██◤  ◢██◤ ◢██◤   ███◤       ◢██◤     
                              ◢██◤   ◢██◤ ◢████████◤ ◢█████████◤       ◢██◤      
                             ◢██◤   ◢██◤ ◢████████◤ ◢█████████◤      ◢███◤       

2.0.4 Patch Notes
GENERAL CHANGES Fixes for 2.0.0 launch issues, gui.size improvements, binmat, balance and more! - Fixes for binmat cases which incorrectly eat antes - added additional smaller sizes to gui.size - added additional size steps to gui.size - fix hardline counts for vlanners (256 at all tiers) - increase binmat stability - sys.specs shows next hardline acquire, shows hardline count - sys.specs shows if binmat shell is activated - additional data sent out to binmat bots (usernames -> slots map, binlog) - additional data sent out to binmat players (usernames -> slots map) - fix binmat breach notifications not getting sent out (stuck breachstate in client) - sys.init carries over any hardlines already earned which your tier can still hold - fixed binmat issue with sticky bounces - binmat.c shows current autobrain if set - binmat.c no longer errors when setting to same autobrain that was already set - chats.send takes c & name as alternate param for channel - 32bit exe is available in windows build (Replace the entire game directory with what is inside the win32.zip file. You will need to do this every update to the game client.) - security fixes - binmat defenders cannot draw out their own lanes to lose - esc key cancels /auto - pgup/pgdown fixed in text windows - slashes and double quotes are escaped in the chat window - fix for tab going between cli parameters - accts.transactions no longer shows up empty incorrectly - fix delp - networking layer refactor (should improve reliability) - vfx scales better with gui.size
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -