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This post is `Xdedicated` to `Qdecoding`, `Kdefining`, and `Tdisplaying` jargon in hackmud. I am open to suggestions, feel free to ask questions, and help is definitely appreciated. Thanks. This post can also be found at `Cbbs`.`Lread` { `Npost`: `V"5gq565"` } in game. You might wanna use `CCtrl + F` on this one if you're on web, otherwise good luck. --- `Abinmat` A card game in hackmud discovered in the mallory_saves_fighting event. More information can be found on `Phttps://github.com/DrizzlyBear/binmat_rules`. `Abotnet` A network of `Bbot brains`s that work together to achieve tasks. A single or multiple `Boog bot`s can also be involved, normally to turn strings into `Bscriptor`s. `Abreach` A state of a user which can be viewed with `Fsys`.`Lstatus` caused by solving all `Blocks `on a `Buser` or by having that user `Bcall` `Fsys`.`Lbreach`. `Acall` The action of running a `Bscript` either directly or through another script. `Achannel` A channel is a chat room where you can send and receive messages from other users. You can only see messages in channels that you are in. When a player first escapes the `BvLAN`, they will be automatically joined to `V0000`. Other common channels include `Vtown` and `Vc00lest_kats`. Channels can be joined with `Fchats`.`Ljoin`, left with `Fchats`.`Lleave`, and created for free with `Fchats`.`Lcreate` with an optional password. `Acorp` Short for corporation. See https://hackmud.com/forums/corps/corp_reference (`Vsr4jun`). `Acorruption` When characters like "`x¡``y¢``GÁ``u¤``EÃ``F¦``G§``a¨``g©``Uª`" appear in a script. Scripts in old sectors can become corrupted over time and even start to leak other information unrelated to the script. `Acracker` A `Bscript` that automatically solves `Block`s on a `Bloc`. `Acron` A type of `Bupgrade` with a name like `Ccron_bot_v<number>`, that when loaded on an inactive `Buser`, runs that user's `Lbot_brain` script. Every run charges the user, the amount of `BGC` specified in the upgrade's properties. `Acurloc` The `Bloc` you are currently `Bbreach`ing. You can only access one `Bloc` per hardline. `Adecorrupter` A `Bscript` that removes the `Bcorruption` characters from the output of another `Bscript`. `AGC` The currency in-game. What it stands for is unknown. `Aglam` A glam is a type of `Bupgrade` that serves no purpose other than to look nice. There are many types of glams with different names and properties. `Ainit` Short for initialisation. Refers to upping the `Btier` of your `Buser` using `Fsys`.`Linit`. `Aironmud` Getting to `Btier` 4 using just trust scripts, and scripts you have written. `Aloc` Short for location. A loc is a special readonly `Bscript` that is automatically created when a `Buser` is `Binit`ialised that can be used to access the `Block`s of the user. `BCall`ing a loc sets your `Bcurloc` which is stated when calling a loc without args. `BBreach`ing a `Btier` 1 NPC causes it to `Bpop`. Breaching other locs enables you to transfer `BGC` and `Bupgrade`s with an upgrade. You can use `Fsys`.`Lloc` to find your own loc. `Alock` A lock is a type of `Bupgrade` used to defend your system from intruders. If you have 1 or more locks active, attackers will have to solve these locks first when accessing your `Bloc` (types of locks include EZ_21, c001, l0cket, etc). `Alockstack` All the `Block`s on a `Buser`. It's called a stack because each lock appears in a `Bloc` in the order that they are loaded. `Amacro` A player created shortcut for a script in the client. See https://hackmud.com/forums/general_discussion/macro_reference___guide (`V304yws`). `Aoog bot` Short for out of game bot. Refers to a bot running outside of hackmud interacting with the hackmud client. `Aopsec` Short for operational security. People tend to say it when they or someone else accidentally leaks something. `Apoke` An attempt to `Bbreach` a `Buser`. `Apop` Refers to an NPC transferring `Bupgrade`s and `BGC` to a `Bbreach`er before deleting itself. The "pop" comes from the sound effect played after breaching a `Bloc`. `Arotation` Either refers to a `Bcorp` rotation, a period (around every 4 hours) when NPC corps change their password, projects, `Bloc`s, and `Bsector` (which requires `Bshift`ing). Or a `Block` rotation, a period around every hour where the answers to locks change A lock rotation also resets a user's `Bbreach` state. `Asandbox` The fair playing field within the game. Its borders are determined by the rules. `Asandboxy` Describes something that either skirts or violates the boundaries of the `Bsandbox`. `Ascraper` A `Bscript` that automatically retrieves information from a script, for example `Bloc`s from an NPC `Bcorp`'s public `Bscript`. `Ascript` A script is a command that users can run provided by trust or written by a player. trust scripts have an `Forange` `Buser` name and player scripts `Cgrey`. Scripts are separated into different `Bsecurity level`s. For information on trust scripts see https://hackmud.com/forums/new_players/the_trust_scripts___documentation_for__scripts_trust__scripts (`Vfvnc96`). On writing your own scripts see https://hackmud.com/forums/general_discussion/scripting_reference (`Vegzoa5`). `Ascriptor` A way of passing a `Bscript` as an argument to a script on the command line. The format is `c#s.cool.script`, for example `Bother`.`Lcool_script` { `Ns`: `V#s.cool.script` }. In that example, `Bother`.`Lcool_script` receives the argument as an object that looks like `C{ name: string, call: Function }`. A script may act different when being run as a scriptor compared to a `Bsubscript` since scripts can use the context argument to detect this. `Asec level` Short for security level. See https://hackmud.com/forums/new_players/staying_safe_with_seclevels__fork_ (`Vuhjtbg`). `Asector` All public and non-hidden `Bscript`s are assigned to a sector. Sectors can be listed with `Fscripts`.`L<seclevel - full | high | mid | low | null>sec`. To view the scripts in a sector, you must join that sector's `Bchannel` which has the same name, e.g. if you want to see the scripts in `lFORM_ALPHA_0`, you must join the chat channel `lFORM_ALPHA_0`. After joining that sector's chat channel, you can view the scripts in it with `Fscripts`.`L<seclevel>sec` { `Nsector`: `V"<sector>"` }. `Asentience` Refers to players and most NPCs. `Ashift` The process that assigns a `Bscript` to a `Bsector`. Shifting a script takes 15 minutes, and is required for public scripts with any `Bsec level` change or when the script is in an old sector, or when making a script public. `Asubscript` A way of `Bcall`ing a `Bscript` inside another script. The format is `c#<seclevel letter - ``lf``c/``l4``c, ``Jh``c/``J3``c, ``Fm``c/``F2``c, ``Dl``c/``D1``c, ``dn``c/``d0``c>s.script.name(args)` e.g. `c#fs.dtr.haunty_mall({ door: 1 })`. `Atier` The level of a `Buser`, higher tier users have higher stats, but are progressively more vulnerable to `Bupgrade` `Bscript`s while `Bbreach`ed. `Auninit` A not yet `Binit`ialised system, `Btier` 0. `Aupgrade` An item that can be loaded to do such things as enabling trust `Bscript`s that access logs of a user, or simply making space for having a script you made be public. `Auser` Refers to either an NPC or a player account. `AvLAN` Refers to the tutorial stage of hackmud. The vLAN or virtual Local Area Network is the single player part of hackmud, `Buser`s need to pass through vLAN before being qualified for the MUD. vLAN is composed of a story about Angie, Bo, Che, Mallory and the player who team up to escape into the MUD by solving various puzzles. --- Thank you `C@``Ldtr``c#9893`, `C@``Ksybil``c#7258`, `C@``Fctx`, and `C@``Obobthebob` for the information, help, and suggestions. Check out `Ckaitlyn`.`Luseful_forum_posts` for other useful forum posts. Even more forum posts can be found at https://hackmud.com/forums/new_players/new_player_guides___reference (`Vttkbw9`).
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usnax should have a spoiler warning imo
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usnax should have a spoiler warning imo
it is now hidden by default
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it's worth noting that `Acorp` is short for corporation people say `Apoke` to mean a full scale breach attempt fairly often botnets aren't exclusively made out of bot brains no one calls them `Aerror character`s. they're corruption chars
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it's worth noting that `Acorp` is short for corporation people say `Apoke` to mean a full scale breach attempt fairly often botnets aren't exclusively made out of bot brains no one calls them `Aerror character`s. they're corruption chars
Thanks and updated :)
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sys.lock should be sys.loc
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sys.lock should be sys.loc
woops and fixed
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Issue in the usac spoiler thing too. Added an extra color code I suspect
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Issue in the usac spoiler thing too. Added an extra color code I suspect
what's the issue?
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oh I just spotted it
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
good stuff, though i'd say the definition for `Abreach` should include something about sys.breach
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I'm a bit late to replying, but that's now in there, thanks
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This post has been deleted.
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^ the above message used to say "testing deleted messages" btw I wonder what sean was testing
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