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-= t h e t a k e =-
`CPvP Raid / Community Event` `IGoals` - Steal as much as we can from the Raid Boss — Zez! (experiment_zezo on corps.top) - Try to land hackmud on the Twitch Trending or Main Page `IEvent Time Frame` - Recon and Prep starts NOW `I> Stream event START` 2024/12/27 - 1800 UTC `I> Event End` 2024/12/29 - 2359 UTC `IEvent Rules` - hackmud rules -- https://hackmud.com/forums/general_discussion/rules - PvP attacks are allowed in hackmud so the PvP part of this event never starts or stops - “Participants” will be those participating in The Twitch Stream Event - Frequently Asked Questions -- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dRoEdYSnRi1vVd7ei6CFyRKw6BXfBLIiHclwQKra2fo/edit?tab=t.0 `IRewards` - Zez’s Loot + Certified Bragging Rights(tm) `IExpected changes for event` - new Streaming QoL features -- https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/469920/view/554602728738784502 - ComCODE's first foray into PvP balance, with a specific and targeted update - more details to come
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